Ensure your oil and 气体 pipelines and infrastructure assets are safe, 兼容的, 表现得最好, 使用im体育APP的尖端腐蚀测试解决方案. We understand how critical it is to prevent leaks or material failures when working with high-risk fuels like oil and 气体. As a recognized world leader in the provision of corrosion testing services for the 能源 sector, we help you reduce material failure costs and meet your environmental and 安全 responsibilities.


为什么腐蚀测试对油品如此重要 & 天然气im体育平台app下载?

在能源领域内, it is vital to be confident in the integrity of pipelines and infrastructure - particularly when it comes to high-risk fuels like oil and 气体. 天然气泄漏和石油泄漏会造成灾难性的后果, not only for the 安全 of the environment and people around them, 也是为了那些提供能源的人的声誉. Corrosion testing helps assess that the materials and coatings selected for use in components that come into contact with oil and 气体 are fit for purpose, 即使在最恶劣的环境中. It also helps to predict what factors could cause future failures to occur; and when. As continuous provision of oil and 气体 services are is relied upon to keep society functioning, 防止干扰至关重要. 



  • 确保管道完整性: 腐蚀测试有助于减少泄漏和故障的机会, 确保你的管道是可靠的, 即使在恶劣的条件下
  • 避免供应链中断: 在潜在的故障风险发生之前识别它们, 防止对客户的能源供应中断
  • 提高投资回报率 & 减少计划外成本: Improve your product’s lifespan and reduce costs associated with unplanned maintenance & 停机时间
  • 安全责任: Meet your regulatory compliance obligations and prioritize 安全 in your 石油 and 气体 operations, 减少工人和环境的风险.
  • 减少对环境的影响: Proactively reduce the likelihood of contributing to oil spills or 气体 leaks 
  • 通知R&D: Data from testing ensures you make informed decisions when selecting appropriate materials and coatings to use with oil and 气体
  • 获得创新的测试方法: When you work with a world-leading corrosion testing partner like im体育APP, 您将受益于新的和创新的方法, 例如我们的SOHIC测试和轴向全环测试, 以及用于数据分析的计算流体动力学建模. 





适用于油气供应商和生产线运营商, 有安全, reliable pipelines which  can operate at the most efficient level is key to securing the trust and confidence of customers. 泄漏, 泄漏, 监管漏洞, 员工健康恐慌, and disruption to energy supply chains can all significantly damage reputation. 通过专家分析和模拟暴露数据, im体育APP’s experts help you reduce corrosion risks in deep-sea pipelines and other critical infrastructure assets. 有im体育APP在你身边, 你可以确保它的寿命, 安全, 以及你在油气业务中资产的合规性.


油气im体育平台app下载经常在极端环境中作业, 哪里的腐蚀威胁更大. im体育APP’s experts are specialists in simulation exposure and data analysis – helping you to predict how your pipeline and infrastructure components would respond in the harshest of conditions. We offer both non-sour and ‘sour’ corrosion testing (for reaction to substances that contain high thresholds of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) or sulfuric acid (H2SO4), ensuring you can verify the corrosion resilience of your products in a wide range of intended uses.


油的腐蚀测试服务 & 天然气工业

  • 崔(绝缘下腐蚀)  Prevention: Evaluating solutions using CUI inspection to mitigate corrosion under insulation, 提供测试以验证符合ISO19277:2018的性能. 
  • 专攻管道 “酸”腐蚀试验 和非酸性服务应用程序,如 氢致开裂 (嗝)或 硫化物应力开裂 (SSC).
  • 测试金属和非金属材料.
  • SOHIC测试.
  • 纵向拉伸载荷下的轴向全环试验.
  • 模拟 exposure data analysis – including Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) modeling.


im体育APP’s specialized corrosion laboratories meet stringent international standards and protocols such as ASTM, NACE, 和API. All im体育APP locations performing corrosion testing are ISO/IEC 17025-accredited. 

Combining industry experience with state-of-the-art laboratory testing and simulation facilities worldwide, we can simulate and evaluate the reaction of your materials under standard sour conditions or specific field conditions. 

信任我们的全球影响力, 专业知识, and knowledge to ensure your assets are fully utilized for their optimum service life and 安全 in 石油 and 气体 operations.

要了解更多关于im体育APP的信息,请访问我们的 关于我们 page. For more information about our corrosion testing services, or to speak to our experts, 立即im体育APP.



im体育APP provides a wide range of other ISO/IEC 17025-accredited corrosion testing services, 保护你的财产, 避免故障和损失生产, 合格的焊缝, 评估你的材料, 提高安全性.



石油和天然气管道的腐蚀是一个严重的问题. Corrosion modeling using the Computational Fluid Dynamic method can accurately predict the location of burn-throughs.



im体育APP’s experts for Failure Analysis in the 能源 industry explain during the on-demand webinar how Failure Analysis is being performed, and its benefits by providing real-life case studies from around the world. 



im体育APP offers the most comprehensive range of corrosion testing services for the 石油 & 天然气im体育平台app下载.

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im体育APP is one of a few ISO certified sour service labs in the world, providing sour service corrosion services for a variety of test types including NACE MR0175/ISO 15156.

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im体育APP's SSC (硫化物应力开裂) testing according the NACE TM0177/ ISO 15156 standard helps ensure sour service pipelines’ reliability and longevity.

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im体育APP’s HIC tests evaluate material susceptibility to hydrogen induced cracking in a sour environment in accordance with NACE TM0284.

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im体育APP performs 氢 Embrittlement (HE) testing to ASTM F591, Galvanically Induced 氢 Stress Cracking (GHSC) to NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 and 氢 Induced Stress Cracking (HISC) testing.



im体育APP’s corrosion inhibitor testing experts select the most suitable corrosion inhibitor 保护你的财产 and extend their life span within the energy industry.



im体育APP supports clients to assist in evaluating solutions to try and mitigate corrosion under insulation (CUI).

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im体育APP为聚合物提供了先进的HPHT测试程序, 金属, 在高腐蚀性环境中使用的涂料和组件.



We use 计算流体动力学(CFD) to simulate and analyze complex problems involving fluid-fluid, 流固, 以及流体-气体相互作用.


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.