Maximize the yield and quality of crops in your farm’s soil with Element's 农业土壤测试 and analysis services. We meticulously examine your nutrient levels and soil composition, providing crucial insights and tailored recommendations to inform and empower your nutrient management strategy.



Agricultural soil testing and analysis provides critical information for commercial crop producers helping to guide decision making about necessary changes to improve yield and quality.
通过检查土壤的存在 养分含量 and other chemical factors, you can understand its current and potential fertility. Once you know what nutrients are already available or need introducing, you can then determine the precise rates of fertilizers and lime which will produce the best results and ensure you use the most efficient quantities and varieties possible to maximize your profits. Only using as much as you really need also helps to maintain good environmental stewardship. 



  • 优化作物营养管理: 通过测试土壤, 你可以深入了解营养水平, 使您能够定制受精策略. This precision ensures your crops receive the proper nutrients, 促进健康生长,实现产量最大化.
  • 具有成本效益的资源决策: 精确的营养管理, 土壤测试指导, 避免不必要的肥料使用, saving costs. This optimizes your resource allocation - and reduces the environmental impact associated with excess fertilizer.
  • 改善田地土壤健康: Regular soil testing is crucial for monitoring and maintaining overall soil health on your land. 它有助于识别土壤酸度或碱度等问题, allowing you to take corrective actions and create an optimal environment for your plants.
  • 展示负责任的环保措施: Show your commitment to environmental stewardship by proactively establishing the most efficient amounts of fertilizer and lime to use, 防止养分过量流失, 确保水质. Element’s experts can guide you through sustainable farming practices and environmental regulatory compliance on your farm.
  • 根据您的土壤定制作物管理: Soil testing results guide you in tailoring your crop management practices to specific soil conditions. This enhances your crops' resilience to environmental variations and promotes adaptability to changing climate conditions.



土壤条件变化很大, 即使在一个字段中, 如果你需要测试你的农田,这可能是一个挑战. Element的专家明白这一点, so our 农业土壤测试 services offer a personalized and strategic approach with extensive soil sampling tailored to capture variations. Our analysis considers the different soil zones across your land, 每个都有定制的建议. Let Element’s experts help you harness the potential of soil variability for a finely tuned nutrient, irrigation, and chemical treatment strategy that gets the best from every inch of your land, 不只是一部分. 



Our 农业土壤测试 services go beyond providing results – we can also help you interpret the findings and plan the next steps for better crop performance. With Element, you receive clear and concise insights into your soil test results, 确保透明度和理解. Further support is available through our expert written educational resources and advisory services, 进一步阐明数据. This integrated approach not only demystifies 农业土壤测试 but also empowers you to implement effective strategies for overall land management. Elements’ experts are here to guide you every step of the way, making sure all the information gained from your soil test translates into tangible benefits.





Bogna Tyc


Annie Reedy

Annie Reedy






当你选择im体育APP来测试你的农田土壤, you select a partner who is dedicated to your agricultural success. Our experts are committed to delivering best-in-class laboratory services that go beyond testing – we provide comprehensive sampling and analysis of your soil’s fertility, including the crucial chemical and biological properties essential for getting the most from your crops. Our support and further advisory resources then empower you to create strategies for ongoing success.


Our ISO 17025 accredited 农业土壤测试 laboratories combine cutting-edge technology, 多年im体育平台app下载经验, and unwavering dedication which positions us as leaders at every stage of the soil testing process. Element’s complete suite of agronomic soil testing services is one of the broadest in the market and we have labs offering this service right across Europe and the Americas, 确保你在任何地方都能访问.


了解更多关于 im体育APP的凭证 or 立即im体育APP to discuss how to collect soil samples and how we can support your 农业土壤测试 needs.


  • AASHTO R 58 
  • AASHTO T 100
  • AASHTO T 180
  • Aashto 180-10
  • AASHTO T 191
  • 1991 -14年
  • 阿什托是193-10
  • AASHTO T 208
  • AASHTO T 265
  • 阿什图265-12
  • AASHTO T 310
  • AASHTO T 88
  • 阿什托是88-00
  • AASHTO T 89
  • AASHTO T 89 & T90 
  • AASHTO T 90
  • AASHTO T 99



  • APHA 2510b修改 
  • APHA 3120 B 
  • Apha 4500-h + b 



  • ASTM C702 / C702M-11
  • Astm d4253-16 / 4254-16 
  • ASTM D4959-16 
  • ASTM D1140 
  • ASTM D1556 
  • Astm d1556 - 07 
  • ASTM D1557
  • ASTM D1633 - 2000(2007年重新批准) 
  • ASTM D2166 
  • ASTM D2216
  • ASTM D2487
  • ASTM D2488
  • ASTM D2922-05 
  • ASTM D3017-05 
  • ASTM D3080-04 
  • ASTM D421
  • Astm d421-85 (2007) 
  • ASTM D422
  • ASTM D422-63 (2007) e1 
  • ASTM D422-63(2007年重新批准
  • ASTM D4318
  • ASTM D4318-10e1
  • ASTM D4564-08e1
  • ASTM D4643-08
  • ASTM D6938 
  • ASTM D6938-15
  • ASTM D6951 / D6951M-09
  • ASTM D698
  • ASTM D698 -12e2
  • ASTM D854 
  • ASTM D854-14
  • ASTM G57-06



  • BS 1377
  • BS 1377 part 3 
  • BS 1377第4部分.7:1990 cl 4.5.4个阶段
  • BS 1377 Part 9:1990.5.9.1
  • BS 1377 Pt 3:20 90
  • BS 1377-1:2016
  • BS 1377- 2:20 90 Cl. 4.3
  • BS 1377- 2:20 90 Cl. 8.2/8.4
  • BS 1377- 2:20 90条款4.5 
  • BS 1377- 2:20 90第6部分.5
  • BS 1377-3条款4
  • BS 1377- 3:20 90 Cl 3 
  • BS 1377- 3:20 90方法3.0
  • BS 1377- 3:20 90方法5.3 
  • BS 1377- 3:20 90方法.2
  • BS 1377- 3:20 90方法.5 
  • BS 1377- 9:20 90第4节.1 
  • BS 1377- 9:20 90第4节.3 
  • BS 1377- 9:20 90第5节.1 
  • BS 1924:第2部分:1990条款4.1.5 Combustion 



  • EPA 120.1 
  • EPA 160.4 
  • EPA 1664
  • EPA 1664A
  • EPA 200.7
  • EPA 200.7减去sm3500crb 
  • EPA 245.1 
  • EPA 273.1
  • EPA 300.0
  • EPA 300.0 plus EPA 351.2
  • EPA 3540
  • EPA 420.1
  • EPA 420.4
  • EPA 4201
  • EPA 6010
  • EPA 6010B
  • EPA 6010减去sm3500cr B 
  • EPA 602
  • EPA 624
  • EPA 625 
  • EPA 7470
  • EPA 7470A
  • EPA 8021
  • EPA 8021B
  • EPA 8260 
  • EPA 8260B
  • EPA 8270
  • EPA 8270C
  • EPA 8310
  • EPA 8321
  • EPA 9040
  • EPA 9040C
  • EPA 9056
  • EPA 9056A
  • EPA 9056A加上EPA 351.2
  • EPA 9253



  • McKeague 3.32
  • McKeague 3.8 
  • McKeague 4.12 



  • SM 2130 B
  • SM 2120 B-2001
  • SM 2320 B
  • SM 2320 B-97
  • SM 2340 B
  • SM 2540 B-97
  • SM 2540 C
  • SM 2540 C-97
  • SM 2540 D
  • SM 2540 D-97
  • SM 2540 F
  • SM 2540 F-97 
  • SM 2550 B-2000
  • SM 2710 F
  • sm4500 - h + 8-2000
  • SM 4500-0 G
  • sm4500 - 0g -2001
  • SM 4500-P-E 
  • SM 4500-S2-D
  • SM 4500 - s2 - d - 2011
  • SM 4500-S2--F
  • sm4500 - s2 - f-2000
  • SM 4500-SO-B
  • sm4500 - so3 - b -2000
  • SM 5210 B
  • SM 5210 B2001
  • SM 5220 D
  • SM 5310 B
  • sm9222 B (M-Endo) -97
  • sm9222 b / 9222 b.5c
  • SM 9222 D
  • sm9222d (m-FC) -97
  • SM 9223 B



  • TM LAND 010-93
  • Tm pest 006-50
  • TM SOIL 007-60



  • TNRCC 1005
  • 美国农业手册
  • 美国地质调查局02060 -10
  • HACH 8000
  • LACHAT 10 - 204 - 00 - 1 - x
  • 土壤分析方法.8
  • MOOPAM IV.4 – 1999 
  • MSS 4.12 modified 
  • BMTS-ADC-TP001

Please note that we are capable of providing further standards than the above, if you would like to discuss your specific requirements or project with an expert 立即im体育APP.  



A guide to assessing land fertility through proper soil sampling and accurate soil analysis.



了解俱乐部 & 实时PCR检测方法.


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