im体育APP has decades of experience in providing a comprehensive range of critical testing, inspection and certification services, specifically designed to enhance the operational integrity, improve the performance and extend the life of oil refineries, natural 气体 distribution facilities, and petrochemical plants for our customers and their supply chain partners in the 石油 and Gas Downstream sector. 

下游石油 & 气体测试

We are a world leader in the provision of laboratory and field based materials characterization; fatigue testing; fracture mechanics; engineering critical assessments; corrosion and coatings testing and non-destructive inspection and asset integrity support services across a diverse range of metals, polymers and elastomers.

We also have many years’ experience in assessing and improving the environmental impact of our customer’s oil, 气体 and petrochemical refining operations through our extensive range of refinery site environmental testing services, 淡水, salt water and waste water testing services and bioassay-aquatic toxicity testing services.

The im体育APP advantage

im体育APP makes certain that the materials and products we test, inspect and certify for our customers are compliant, safe and fit for purpose to improve the reliability of their refining and production and assets, minimizing unplanned shutdowns and maximizing potential throughput, while at the same time minimizing the environmental impact from their refining activities.

石油 and Gas: The Importance of 测试 for Increased Mercury Levels

While documented, it may not be widely known that Mercury is naturally occurring in certain oil & 天然气储层. This presence of mercury may lead to corrosion of production equipment, as well as being a concern to worker safety and the environment. im体育官方app下载

Understanding Mixed Flowing Gas 测试

Mixed flowing 气体 (MFG) testing is an accelerated aging test that specifically evaluates the corrosion of electrical components due to exposure to atmospheric 气体ses and contaminants.


Fracture Mechanics in the Environment (in-situ)

Learn more about the detrimental effect of Cathodic Protection, CO2, and H2S or other environmental parameters on fracture toughness of carbon steel pipe material.



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结构测试 & Mechanical Engineering

im体育APP offers a range of advanced and application oriented engineering services to help solve a wide variety of mechanical engineering and structural engineering analysis problems.

Bending 疲劳测试


Find out how im体育APP's fatigue testing labs help companies meet quality requirements and create safer, 更强的, more successful parts and products.

钢 Catenary Risers 疲劳测试

Weld 疲劳测试 of 钢 Catenary Risers

im体育APP’s full-scale pipeline testing facility performs testing on steel catenary risers in our laboratory and on-site at the point of fabrication.

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Corrosion 测试 Services 

Find out about im体育APPs extensive corrosion testing expertise in the 能源 industry across a global network of laboratories.



Find out about im体育APPs range of coatings testing services designed to help to make certain that materials, products and pipelines we test for our customers are protected from corrosion, 紫外线, 渗水, 热, abrasion and chemicals.

环境 Compliance 测试

环境 Compliance

Find out how im体育APP uses its Bioassay, Exploration & 生产(E&P) Waste and Site Evaluation & Remediation capabilities to help the 石油 & Gas sector meet its environmental compliance responsibilities.

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Water 测试 Services

Our water testing laboratories provide analyses for drinking water, 地下水, 地表水, 和污水, to help you meet environmental regulations.

Natural Gas Analysis

Natural Gas Analysis

im体育APP offers a complete range of natural 气体 composition and liquid petroleum hydrocarbon test services with multiple applications.


我们的团队超过9人,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.