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释放测试是质量控制过程的重要组成部分,也是药物开发的关键方面, from early-stage through commercial batch release, ensuring biopharmaceutical drug substances, drug products, raw materials, 在成品放行前,在制品符合既定的规格要求.

这些既定的规格是必要的,以证明产品符合适用的法规要求, including 21 CFR Parts 210 and 211, as well as to confirm 纯度, 身份, 和效力. 对于生物制品,必须验证纯度、浓度、一致性、特性和生物安全性. im体育APP的咨询科学家精通开发产品规格的数据解释, possess a deep wealth of regulatory guidance, 并利用广泛的先进分析技术和方法.

Raw material release testing

任何原料或活性药物成分(API)都必须符合21 CFR 211中概述的标准.84,然后才能用于任何生产工艺或配方. 原料测试确认原料的特性和完整性, 确保收到了正确的产品,并符合为其预期用途制定的规格. im体育APP的原料测试支持整个药物开发生命周期, from early-stage development to commercial manufacturing, 提供全面的服务,包括供应商资格的规格和特性测试,以及生产中使用的api和辅料的发布. 我们的原材料测试专家团队使用各种先进的分析技术和仪器, including fast identification such as Raman spectroscopy, significantly reducing testing cycle time. 另外, monograph and compendial methods can be 验证, existing test methods can be transferred, 验证, and optimized, 或者可以开发和验证替代的原料释放方法.

In-process and pharmaceutical batch release testing

im体育APP的全套质量控制(QC)批号放行解决方案适用于生产的所有阶段, 包括因配方修改而产生的工艺内测试和制药工艺验证测试(再验证)需求, new processes, or equipment changes. 我们由专家科学家组成的咨询团队在为工艺验证和过程测试提供方便和精确的结果方面有着良好的记录, 除了在我们专门配备的GMP实验室进行释放测试之外. 我们的CMC专家设计了全面的质量控制批放行测试程序,以满足每个特定生物制药产品的个性化需求和规格. 严格的分析测试服务确保在药品生产批次放行之前符合既定的质量标准和GMP要求. Compendial methods are followed when available, 我们知识渊博的团队可以开发和验证新的测试方法, or existing analytical methods can be easily transferred, 验证, and optimized.

GMP material and lot release testing services

  • Method development, validation, qualification, and transfer
  • 药典和药典各论试验(USP/NF、JP、EP、FCC、BP)
  • Physical and chemical analysis
  • 身份
  • Potency 和纯度
  • Im纯度 testing
  • Formulation verification
  • Related substances
  • 均匀性
  • Particulate matter
  • 极限测试
  • Residual solvent testing
  • Dissolution testing
  • Physicochemical properties
  • Presentation (syringe and vial volume, excipient concentration)
  • Microbiology tests and assays
  • Heavy metals
  • Endotoxin testing (sterile and non-sterile products)
  • Container-closure qualification (extractables and leachables)

Comparability and biologic drug batch release testing

Before any biologic product can be released for use, 出售, 或出口, 批放行测试是必要的,以证明产品符合先前建立的标识规范, 效力, 和纯度. 另外, 需要进行可比性测试,以确保每批新产品与原批次相同, 并能识别生产工艺的任何改变是否导致了下游产品质量的改变. Regulatory agencies, including the FDA, 要求对生产的每批大分子产品的未加工和纯化散装材料进行一系列分析测试, 然而, 所需测试的复杂性受到两个关键因素的影响, 产品标示和原料使用的来源及水平控制.

im体育APP的专家科学家咨询团队具有深入的法规和im体育平台app下载知识,可以帮助您自信地浏览生物产品材料和释放测试程序设计的法规要求, considering several factors, including chemical 复杂的ity, manufacturing processes, 并且采用的分析方法的可靠性和复杂性, 纯度, 和效力 of materials.

Biologics material and release testing services

  • Comparability testing
  • Method development, validation, qualification and transfer
  • 药典和药典各论试验(USP/NF、JP、EP、FCC、BP)
  • Protein 纯度 and related proteins
  • Peptide mapping
  • 杂质
  • 身份 (SDS-PAGE, Western blot, immunologic assay, ELISA)
  • Purity (HPLC, SDS-PAGE, moisture, endotoxin, ELISA)
  • Potency (immunogenicity, antigen content or chemical composition)
  • Protein concentration
  • Amino acid analysis
  • Residual contaminant testing
  • Determination of host cell protein (HCPs)
  • Cell-based bioassays
  • Physicochemical properties
  • Microbiology tests and assays
  • Sterility testing

The im体育APP advantage

我们的监管和im体育平台app下载专家确保每个客户都能获得im体育APP标准的监管指导,这些指导已经帮助无数组织将革命性的小分子和大分子药物产品和治疗方法推向市场, while meeting both specifications and timelines for raw material, lot or batch release, and distribution. 在药物发现和开发过程中,im体育APP作为您的CDMO合作伙伴, 我们提供全方位的化学服务,自信地满足代理商的期望, manufacturing, 和控制(CMC)和QC解决方案,包括参考标准的表征和管理 , built upon a foundation of proven success in developing, 验证, and transferring sophisticated, 复杂的, and challenging analytical methods.

了解更多关于im体育APP的药品和生物制剂原料质量控制和批放行测试程序, or to speak with one of our experts, im体育APP 今天.

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