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理查德·怀特是一名特许经理,在产品测试方面拥有超过13年的经验, 认证和全球市场准入.


全球市场准入(GMA)描述了测试的过程, 认证, 以及允许产品在选定的国家销售的批准. 为制造商, a GMA project often involves a list of countries with different rules and regulations that need to be met to sell a product. This can be a time-consuming and frustrating exercise that frequently ends up delaying a product from reaching new markets.

大多数电气或电子产品将需要混合 广播, EMC, 安全测试 使它们能够在全球多个市场上销售. 然而, each country/region will often have its distinct regulations and 认证 requirements. 说到广播, 例如, 巴西有ANATEL认证, 澳大利亚有RCM,中国有SRRC. 每个国家也可能有额外的产品合规要求, 比如特定安全, EMC, RoHS认证.

Watch 理查德·怀特 as he describes the 全球市场准入(GMA) testing and 认证 process that enables a product to be sold in countries of choice.


直到最近, UKCA标记 was due to be a mandatory requirement for all new 广播 equipment placed on the market from 1st January 2023. 然而,去年11月,英国政府宣布延长过渡期. 从2025年1月1日起,UKCA是无线电设备的强制性规定. CE或UKCA标志可以使用到2024年12月31日.

除了参考新的UKCA法规对英国的符合性声明, 制造商还必须在适当的地方参考英国的指定标准清单. 虽然目前两者之间没有什么区别, 未来可能会出现更大的分歧.



如果制造商希望进入多个全球市场, 跟上无线电广播的变化是很重要的, EMC, 安全认证和监管要求也在不断发展.

EMC不像无线电那样受到严格监管,也不总是强制性的. 它可以适用于无线电和非无线电设备. 制造商应该始终确保设备是安全的, 然而, 并非所有类型的设备都需要第三方安全认证. The EMC/Safety testing and 认证 requirements often depend on the type of device sold (例如, 家用设备通常需要第三方安全认证). 同样值得注意的是,可能还需要设备的HS编码.



•埃及:埃及要求中国和印度制造的产品提供额外信息, 包括VOC证书,该证书只能从中国的特定实验室获得.


•  Mexico: All Mexico NOM (safety) certificates must list an HS code (a harmonized systems code relevant to customs).

•新加坡安全认证从SPRING更名为Enterprise Singapore.

•  Vietnam: Radio products under 60mW don’t require approval in Vietnam – while not a recent change, 值得注意的是,低于一定功率的设备很少不需要批准.

•  Many African countries are now coming to the fore with their own regulations and ability to conduct the necessary testing locally. 加纳, 例如, 是否实施国内测试计划, 索马里正在建立自己的核证程序.



当从更广泛的全局角度看待需求时, 可以肯定地说,没有两个国家是完全相同的. 尽管如此, 大多数国家通常可以大致采取以下三种总体方法之一:






英国/欧盟要求制造商声明符合相关法规/指令. 要做到这一点, manufacturers usually carry out testing to designated/harmonized standards (if one is available). 无线电设备, 如果没有指定的/协调的无线电测试标准, 制造商应该使用英国认可的机构或欧盟公告机构. 测试 does not need to be accredited in 欧洲; 然而, using an accredited test laboratory is beneficial as most countries outside of the EU require accredited testing.

作为一个 IECEE 认证机构和认证机构测试实验室(CBTL), im体育APP is also able to perform all the necessary safety CB testing and 认证 of products for many markets. The IECEE CB Scheme is a multilateral agreement and 认证 system based on IEC International Standards that can be readily accessed and accepted in international markets. A key aim of the scheme is to allow manufacturers to gain access to international markets without the need for time-consuming and costly, 重复的, 或者在每个国家进行额外的检测.

许多国家都是联合国的成员 CB方案 包括中国、日本和美国. 然而, obtaining CB 认证 for a product doesn't always mean that the product is instantly ready for shipping. 例如, a device that's going to be used in the workplace in the US will often also require NRTL 认证, 这意味着略有不同的测试, 还有工厂, 每年审计两次或四次, 成本是需要考虑的重要因素. 在中国, some products require CCC 认证 which again involves additional testing and factory inspection. 



许多其他国家将接受第三方认可的测试数据. 对于这些国家, im体育APP’s GMA team can use im体育APP’s UKAS-accredited test reports to obtain the relevant 认证 on the manufacturer’s behalf. 采取这种方法并接受欧盟检测报告的国家包括印度, 马来西亚, 菲律宾, 和南非. In addition, many South American countries, such as Chile and Paraguay, will accept FCC test reports.



要求产品在当地实验室进行检测的国家包括巴西, 印尼, 台湾, 韩国, 和墨西哥.

Overseas product testing during any 认证 project can be a complex and time-consuming burden for manufacturers. The manufacturer will need to identify the types of 认证s required for their product, 寻找本地认可的化验所进行化验, 安排测试样品出货, 确保所有必要的文件都用当地语言准备好, 并提供一个示例标签. 一旦测试完成, the test reports and documents must be submitted to the regulator and only once a certificate has been issued, 设备可以贴标签吗.

执行这一进程所需的时间因国而异. 审批过程中的任何时候都可能出现延迟, 首先是将未经批准的样本带入该国进行测试的挑战. 如果还有额外的认证要求, 如日本的PSE安全认证, 或者测试是否需要在政府拥有的测试实验室进行, 这可能是一个漫长的过程. 



im体育APP can arrange for any additional mandatory overseas testing through its 200 laboratories worldwide or an im体育APP-approved local test house. im体育APP将代表制造商管理整个过程, 包括所有的行政和法律挑战, from arranging the shipment of samples and advice on test requirements to advising on local regulations and assisting with various technical and regulatory issues.  

im体育APP还可以在需要时提供制造商的本地代表. 对于一些国家来说, 为了可追溯性的目的,有一个国内代表是一项法律要求. This means that a local contact should take responsibility for being the ongoing designated contact in that country with whom the regulator can speak if t在这里 are any problems, 比如无线电干扰问题, 有了设备.

im体育APP’s global network means that its GMA engineers based in 欧洲 and Asia can help to circumnavigate any potential time zone issues and avoid any language barriers. The GMA team’s expert knowledge of the rules and regulations in each country ensures any upcoming changes in a country’s legal requirements are also fully integrated into the program.

The team provides advice on everything from labeling and importer obligations to documentation language requirements and technical translation services.  在需要时, im体育APP will also liaise directly with the relevant government regulators on behalf of the manufacturer. 团队将确保充分考虑所有未来的需求, 例如认证有效期和续订流程时间表, 这在不同的国家有很大的不同.



在本质上, im体育APP的GMA团队使用基于伙伴关系的方法与制造商合作, 理想情况下在R&D阶段, to ensure that testing and 认证 are achieved as quickly and as cost-effectively as possible. This not only helps to significantly reduce a product’s time to market but allows the manufacturer to concentrate on their core business.

以及UKAS通过ISO/IEC 17025:2017认证, im体育APP是欧洲无线电设备的公告机构, EMC & ATEX指令, 英国无线电设备规例认可机构, EMC法规和潜在爆炸性环境法规, 美国电信认证机构(TCB), a Foreign 认证 Body (FCB) for Canada and a Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) for Japan. im体育APP也是IECEE CB体系下的认证机构.

For more information on how im体育APP can help you with preparing your products and devices for specific markets globally, 请与会员联系 全球市场准入 今天的服务团队 在这里.

找到相关的 资源




了解im体育APP如何显著缩短雷尼绍的上市时间. Read our case study to understand how we helped with the co-ordination and delivery of their 广播, EMC和安全测试.



作为国家认证机构(NCB), im体育APP可以根据该计划测试您的产品. We can provide internationally recognised certificates based on testing from any associated CB方案 testing laboratories (CBTL).




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im体育APP works as your 全球市场准入 service partner to help you navigate complex regulations and get your products to market quickly and efficiently.


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.